Central Intake© for Diabetes Education, Management and Care


Waterloo Wellington Diabetes Central Intake© provides a streamlined process for referrals to diabetes education and specialist consults.



What are the benefits of Central Intake©?



How to Refer:


If you have diabetes, please complete a self-referral form and either:


         Fax it to 519-650-3114 or 1-855-342-2387 (DIA-BETS)


         Call 519-947-1000 x372 and speak to someone who can assist you in completing the form over the phone


         Mail it to Unit #6--150 Pinebush Rd, Cambridge, ON, N1R 8J8



If you are a healthcare provider and would like to refer a patient, please complete all sections of the referral form and:


          Fax it to 519-650-3114 or 1-855-342-2387 (DIA-BETS)


          If you would like to receive an electronic form for your EMR, please click here





Objectives of Central Intake©




What are the future directions for Central Intake©?


Guide for developing and implementing a Central Intake:  







This guide was developed by our team to support others in developing a Central Intake model.  If you would like a copy of the guide, please click here.