Managing Your Diabetes During Ramadan


Muslims who fast during Ramadan must abstain from eating, drinking, taking oral medications, and smoking; however, there are no restrictions on food or fluid intake and taking medications between sunset and dawn. Most people consume two meals per day during this month, one after sunset and the other before dawn. In 2025, Ramadan takes place Saturday March 1 to Saturday March 29.  Eid al Fitr 2025 marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan and will be celebrated on Sunday March 30 - tentative date, as it dependent on the sighting of the moon. The holy month of Ramadan is a time for friends and family to gather and focus on fasting, prayers, and helping people in need. 


Pre-Ramadan Medical Assessment

The act of fasting could impact your blood glucose and blood pressure levels, so for these reasons it is important that you speak with your diabetes team about your wish to observe Ramadan. The diabetes team will perform a pre-Ramadan medical assessment, ideally 1-3 months before Ramadan. This assessment will help determine any risks of fasting and help create a Ramadan fasting plan to ensure you can fast safely.

An appointment after Ramadan with your diabetes team is recommended to discuss your fasting experience and need to adjust your Ramadan fasting plan for the future.



During this appointment you will learn about the following:

  • Importance of glucose monitoring during fasting and non fasting hours as well as how often to test
  • To stop the fast if your blood glucose is less than 4.0 mmol/L
  • To stop the fast if your blood glucose is higher than 14.0 mmol/L
  • To stop the fast if you feel ill
  • Medication adjustment (pills and/or insulin), to help prevent low or high blood sugars

  • Meal planning to avoid hypoglycemia and dehydration during fast
  • The appropriate meal choices to avoid postprandial hyperglycemia
  • Advice on the timing and intensity of physical activity during fasting


  Example of a Healthy Portions and Food Choices During Ramadan  


Ramadan and Diabetes Resources:


Ramadan and Diabetes Handout - information on how to fast safely

Ramadan and Healthy Eating 

International Diabetes Federation Ramadan and Diabetes Guide to Safe Fasting - Provides practical information on how to fast safely

Diabetes Canada Position Statement for People with Type 1 or 2 Diabetes Who Fast During Ramadan

International Diabetes Federation 2021 Ramadan Practical Guidelines