Travelling with Diabetes


Summer is here and nicer weather often means we may want to do some travelling. We have compilied a few things that you may need to consider when you are managing diabetes. Being prepared before you travel can save you time, money and trouble. Planning ahead is the key to a successful trip.


Plan ahead

Travelling across Time Zones


For people on insulin, travelling on flights that cross more than four time zones may require a change in your insulin regime/dose to match the longer or shorter day.  If travelling east, hours are lost and you may need to take fewer units of intermediate or long-acting insulin. If travelling west, your day will be longer and you may need extra units of meal time insulin if extra meals are eaten. 


It is best to err on the side of caution and run your blood sugars a bit higher than too low on your first travel day.  Stay on local (departure) time and schedule until your travelling is over.  Once you arrive where you will stay, change to the local destination time as soon as possible.    


Your diabetes educator can help you with your diabetes medication regime, or there is a website available to support you in making your decisions:



Air Travel with a Pump


If you wear an insulin pump, your pump may be affected by the metal detectors.  You are not required to remove your insulin pump for screening but inform the screening officer that you are wearing one. There are recommendations from the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority that will help make your travel easier:


While on Vacation


For more information on travelling with diabetes, visit:


Travel Tips for Diabetes from the Diabetes Canada


Air Travel and Diabetes | ADA from the American Diabetes Association


Medical Assistance for Travellers from the International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers (IAMAT)